
IMF Concluded in june the article IV consultation of Panama

On June 14, 2021, the Executive Board of the International Monetary Fund concluded the consideration of the Article IV consultation of Panama. Under Article IV of its Articles of Agreement, the IMF has a mandate to exercise surveillance over the economic, financial and exchange rate policies of its members in order to ensure the effective operation of the international monetary system. The IMF’s appraisal of such policies involves a comprehensive analysis of the general economic situation and policy strategy of each member country. IMF economists visit the member country, usually once a year, to collect and analyze data and hold discussions with government and central bank officials. Upon its return, the staff submits a report to the IMF’s Executive Board for discussion. The Board’s views are subsequently summarized and transmitted to the country authorities.

The Staff Report will be published in due course as the authorities needed more time to review its content.

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Can the private registry of beneficial owners of panama be used for exchange of tax information?

“Law 129 of 2020 is in force, although it is well known that it has not been regulated or implemented from the technological point of view… The time has come for the Executive Branch to regulate it and it is important that the Executive Branch be responsible for clarifying whether the MEF (Ministry of Economy and Finance) and the DGI (General Directorate of Revenue) will have access to the Single Register of Final Beneficiaries.”